City of Springfield GA


The City of Springfield Planning and Zoning Board will hold public hearings, with meeting immediately following close of the public hearings, on June 1, 2020 at 6:00pm.

The City of Springfield Mayor and Council will hold public hearings, with a regular meeting immediately following close of the public hearings, on June 9, 2020 at 6:00pm.

Public hearings will be held to receive comments on the following items:

  • Request for Rezoning for Parcel #S115-5 requesting change from zoning designation R-1 to zoning designation R-4; This 35.88 acres parcel is located on Hwy 21 south of Laurel Street in Springfield.  

All public hearings and meetings will be held in the Springfield Council Room located at 130 S. Laurel St. (located between the Springfield City Hall Office and the Springfield Police Dept.)

*In an attempt to reduce transmission of COVID-19 public hearings and meetings may need to be held via Teleconference. Procedures for attending these meetings and hearings will be provided closer to the meeting date.  For more information about this request, or to submit written comments, please contact Erin Phillips via email at