This is an invitation to submit statements of qualifications from firms interested in providing construction services on a Cost-Plus basis for the construction of a project known as “Springfield City Hall Repairs” Springfield City Hall, 130 South Laurel Street, Springfield, Georgia, 31329 (“Project”). The full RFP can be found at


Statements of qualifications and sealed fee proposals will be received at Springfield City Hall, 130 S. Laurel Street, Post Office Box 1, Springfield, GA 31329, until 2:00 P.M., March 14th, 2025 (Attn: Lauren Eargle) at which time all properly received submissions will be opened and publicly read.


Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected and returned unopened.


To obtain information concerning specifications or to obtain a bid package please contact: DPR Architecture, Kevin Palmer, 12A East Grady Street, Statesboro, GA 30458.


The City of Springfield provides equal opportunity for all business and does not discriminate against any person or business because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, family relations, handicap or veterans status. This policy ensures all segments of the business community have access to supplying the goods and services needed by the City of Springfield.


The City of Springfield reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive technicalities and make the award in the best interest of the City.