Springfield Building Permit Application
For all building of new construction or renovation of existing structures.
Sketch Plan Review Form
Used for review and approval for projects that my not require a building permit.
Sign Permit Application
All new signs must be approved by the city for code compliance and safety.
Building Permits
Building Permits are required for all new construction, renovations, and utility upgrades. You can download applications for building permits here on our website, or one can be picked up at City Hall. If you are unsure if you need a building permit, just ask the Building Department.
Sketch Plan Reviews are useful for small projects that may or may not require a building permit. If you are unsure if you need a permit, fill out this Form and we will review your project for zoning compliance. The is the best and easiest way to make sure you are not infringing on setbacks, easements, or city right-of-way.
Sign Permits are required for all new signage in Springfield. The Springfield Code of Ordinances has specific guidelines for signage in all zoning districts. To see if your planned business signage is code compliant, a sign permit application will be required. Sign Permit fees are only applied to signs that require building inspector review and approval.
For large scale construction projects that involve service delivery, subdivisions, or commercial developments, please Contact Us to schedule a pre-development meeting.
Click here to View the full list of Building Permit Fees.

Common Building Department Questions:
How do I know if my project will need a Building Permit?
You will need to apply for a building permit if your project meets any of the following:
(a) Building a structure that is over 200 SF OR covering/altering over 200SF of an existing structure,
(b) Extending any electricity, plumbing, or other utilities, or
(c) Constructing a building or structure that is over 15′ tall.
Please note that even if the structure does not require a permit, it must still follow the assigned setbacks for your lot. If you are still unsure if your project will require a permit, the buidling department offers a zoning pre-approval process called Sketch Plan Approval. You can find the application linked above. You can submit your proposed project or building, and the zoning office will let you know if it would be allowed. This is a service we offer at no charge.
Do I need a permit for a Fence?
You do not need to apply for a building permit to put up a fence. However, all fencing must follow the City Ordinances. Here is a link to the section on fencing: Fence Regulations on Municode.com
If you are unsure if your fence meets the regulations, the buidling department offers a zoning approval process called Sketch Plan Approval. You can find the application linked above. You can submit your proposed fence location and style, and the zoning office will let you know if it would be allowed. This is a service we offer at no charge.
How much will my building permit cost?
Building Permit fees will vary depending on the project. For a full list of fees for all proejct types, you will need to review the Buidling Permit Rates and Charges on the most recently adopted Fee Schedule. Here is a link to the online location: Fee Schedule on municode.com
Information regarding permit submittals
The following must be submitted before this application can be processed:
Site Plan: Show locations of property lines, building locations, accessory structures, easements, and setbacks.
Floor Plan: Specify room names and dimensions, window/door types & header sizes/spans, braced wall panels.
Footer/Foundation Plan: Indicate location, slab and footers for interior load bearing walls, and section detail.
Wall section: Show detail of wall components, size, height, and spacing of studs, anchor type and spacing.
Floor Framing Plan: Indicate size, grade, span, and spacing of floor joists, girders, beams, and headers.
Roof Plan: Show ridge lines, valleys, roof drain locations, drainage flow lines and all roof penetrations.
Roof Framing Plan: Indicates size, grade, and spacing of all roof members and supporting members.
Rear, Front and Side Elevations: Show maximum eave heights, ridge or parapet roof height and each floor above grade.
-All drawings must be drawn to scale. One DIGITAL set is required for preliminary review. Hard copies will be requested if needed.
-Professional seal of an architect or engineer may be required depending on occupancy group, size or height of structure
-Additional plans or drawings may be required as deemed necessary by the Building Official or Building Inspector.
-Commercial Projects will be required to have a general contractor licensed in the state of GA.
- Permit Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received. Processing may take up to two weeks for all permits. Some projects may require a longer review period.
- Building Permit fees will be charged based on the adopted City of Springfield Fee Schedule in effect at the time this application is received.
- Construction in some areas may impact wetlands and require a 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers. Permit holder agrees to hold The City of Springfield harmless on any construction in wetlands.
- This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within six months of issuance of the permit or if construction or work has been suspended or abandoned for a period of six months at any time after work is commenced.
- Certificate of Occupancy Required: A new building shall not be occupied, or a change made in the occupancy, nature, or use of a building or part of a building until after the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. Such Certificate shall not be issued and released by the Building Official until all required electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protections systems have been inspected for compliance with the technical codes and other applicable laws and ordinances.
- Food Service establishments are subject to Effingham Dept. of Public Health approval. The City of Springfield is not held responsible if work completed in relation to a city issued building permit is not in compliance with DPH regulations.
More Questions?
Contact City Hall at (912) 754-7617
Office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm